Video, animation and live video production for Joy Experiment, a cross-artform initiative set up to develop new audiences for professional, emerging and mid-career artists working in visual arts, performing arts, digital arts and moving-image. For more information visit
Joy Experiment
Playing Fields
Animation for projection onto umbrella created for Joy Experiment
Concept and visual production: Stuart Mitchell & Beth Carter
Music: written and performed by Drunk With Joy
I'm on fire
Video remix created for Joy Experiment
Concept and visual production: Stuart Mitchell
Music: written and performed by Drunk With Joy
Video work for Joy Experiment
Concept and visual production: Stuart Mitchell
Music: written and performed by Drunk With Joy
Artwork: Ione Rucquoi ('Birds, Fishwives and Bunnygirls' series)
Video work for Joy Experiment
Concept and visual production: Stuart Mitchell & Beth Carter
Music: written and performed live at Exeter Phoenix by Drunk With Joy and Martin Holland (trumpet)
Artwork: Beth Carter ('Kings' series)
Travelling light
Video work for Joy Experiment
Concept and visual production: Stuart Mitchell
Music: written and performed by Drunk With Joy
Artwork: Alice Leach ('Excerpts from a Diary' series)